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Just 7 months and climbing the stairs.

Just 7 months and climbing the stairs.

Has the pressure of our fast-paced world gotten to him already?

Our world moves much faster than before. Mail that used to take weeks has become an email that takes less than a second to arrive. Old movies, even a few years old, feel ridiculously slow. And remember how long it took to dial into the internet?

We even walk faster! Psychologist R. Wiseman found in 2007 that globally the general walking speed had increased 10% compared to 10 years earlier.

We see many leaders experiencing the pressure of this pace. There are always emails, pings, calls, meetings… and everything is urgent. Even during leisure time, they feel the pressure. 

How do you deal with this constant haste?

Perception is the key here. Because 10, 20, even 50 years ago people felt the pressure as well! Studies show that whether you work 32 or 60 hours, have kids or not, are structured or chaotic, everybody can experience this hasty feeling equally.

It is actually about feeling busy. And this comes from focus. Or actually, lack thereof. Thinking of all the other things you have to do, while you’re doing something else. Checking emails during your meeting. Replying to a message while on the toilet.

Multitasking is a killer.

We help our leaders to re-focus. Do one thing, do it well, move on.

Turn off all distractions.


And climb the stairs.

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