Whenever we would open the front door, they'd try to get in.
We would wait. They would just lay down on the driveway and wait as well. So a few times, we resorted to sneaking out through the back garden.
Until we saw the ducks targeting the neighbour's door. He came out clapping, waving and gesturing, which made the ducks step aside. Easy peasy.
Social learning - learning from others by watching, imitating, talking, role modelling, etc - is an important learning strategy for us humans. My research with LSE showed it is especially critical for women in their careers. You can read all about it in our book 'Coaching Women to Lead'.
That's why our Women in Business programmes are cohort based. You learn individually, but also socially from the other women in the cohort. As they learn from you.
Together, you'll find a way to open a door that seems impossible to open.
Get in touch if you want to know more!